What to say when calling in sick? Examples you can use for calling sick

Do you want a reason or excuse for calling in sick to work? We got your back. This page provides 150 reasons and excuses for calling in sick. If you’re fired because you were legitimately sick please contact our wrongful termination lawyer.

By Brad Nakase, Attorney

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Medical Reasons and Excuses to Call in Sick

An employee can call out of work if sick with a cold, the flu, or a stomachache. Especially if contagious, it’s important for an ill coworker to stay home in order to keep the office healthy. Medical reasons for calling out of work also include injury or doctor’s appointments.

  1. I am calling in sick because I have influenza.
  2. I am calling in sick because I tested positive for COVID-19.
  3. I am calling in sick because I have strep throat.
  4. I am calling in sick because I am suffering from mononucleosis.
  5. I am calling in sick because I have pneumonia.
  6. I am calling in sick because I am battling bronchitis.
  7. I am calling in sick because I have sinusitis.
  8. I am calling in sick because I have gastroenteritis.
  9. I am calling in sick because I have appendicitis.
  10. I am calling in sick because I am experiencing a severe migraine.
  11. I am calling in sick because I have cluster headaches.
  12. I am calling in sick because I have a kidney infection.
  13. I am calling in sick because I have a urinary tract infection.
  14. I am calling in sick because I have gallstones.
  15. I am calling in sick because I have hepatitis.
  16. I am calling in sick because I have tuberculosis.
  17. I am calling in sick because I have conjunctivitis.
  18. I am calling in sick because I have dermatitis.
  19. I am calling in sick because my psoriasis flared up.
  20. I am calling in sick because my rheumatoid arthritis flared up.
  21. I am calling in sick because my Crohn’s disease flared up.
  22. I am calling in sick because my ulcerative colitis flared up.
  23. I am calling in sick because my multiple sclerosis flared up.
  24. I am calling in sick because my lupus flared up.
  25. I am calling in sick because my endometriosis flared up.
  26. I am calling in sick because I am having an asthma attack.
  27. I am calling in sick because my COPD exacerbated.
  28. I am calling in sick because I have heart attack symptoms.
  29. I am calling in sick because I have stroke symptoms.
  30. I am calling in sick because I am experiencing a hypertension crisis.
  31. I am calling in sick because I have diabetic ketoacidosis.
  32. I am calling in sick because I am suffering from hypoglycemia.
  33. I am calling in sick because I had a severe allergic reaction.
  34. I am calling in sick because I have chickenpox.
  35. I am calling in sick because I have measles.
  36. I am calling in sick because I have mumps.
  37. I am calling in sick because I have shingles.
  38. I am calling in sick because I have whooping cough.
  39. I am calling in sick because I have diphtheria.
  40. I am calling in sick because I have scarlet fever.
  41. I am calling in sick because I have typhoid fever.
  42. I am calling in sick because I have malaria.
  43. I am calling in sick because I have dengue fever.
  44. I am calling in sick because I have Zika virus infection.
  45. I am calling in sick because I have chikungunya virus infection.
  46. I am calling in sick because I have West Nile virus infection.
  47. I am calling in sick because I have Lyme disease.
  48. I am calling in sick because I have Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
  49. I am calling in sick because I have meningitis.
  50. I am calling in sick because I have sepsis.

Emergency Reasons and Excuses to Call in Sick

Sometimes an employee will need to call out of work for a non-health related emergency. Non-medical emergencies include home repair or death of a relative.

1. I am calling in sick because of a severe car accident.
2. I am calling in sick because of a house fire emergency.
3. I am calling in sick because of a sudden family bereavement.
4. I am calling in sick because of an unexpected hospitalization.
5. I am calling in sick because I have a broken limb.
6. I am calling in sick because of acute appendicitis.
7. I am calling in sick because of emergency dental surgery.
8. I am calling in sick because of a serious allergic reaction.
9. I am calling in sick because of an asthma attack.
10. I am calling in sick because of a sudden severe illness.
11. I am calling in sick because of a flood at my home.
12. I am calling in sick because of a burglary at my residence.
13. I am calling in sick because of an urgent medical procedure.
14. I am calling in sick because of a critical child illness.
15. I am calling in sick because of a life-threatening situation.
16. I am calling in sick because of a sudden loss of vision.
17. I am calling in sick because of severe chest pain.
18. I am calling in sick because of a mental health crisis.
19. I am calling in sick because of an acute migraine attack.
20. I am calling in sick because of a severe burn injury.
21. I am calling in sick because of a dangerous fall.
22. I am calling in sick because of a sudden severe infection.
23. I am calling in sick because of a heatstroke.
24. I am calling in sick because of hypothermia.
25. I am calling in sick because of a poisoning incident.
26. I am calling in sick because of a severe electric shock.
27. I am calling in sick because of an unexpected surgery.
28. I am calling in sick because of an animal bite requiring treatment.
29. I am calling in sick because of a severe skin reaction.
30. I am calling in sick because of a concussion.
31. I am calling in sick because of a domestic emergency.
32. I am calling in sick because of a kidnapping incident.
33. I am calling in sick because of a terrorist attack.
34. I am calling in sick because of a natural disaster.
35. I am calling in sick because of a violent assault.
36. I am calling in sick because of an emergency legal matter.
37. I am calling in sick because of a severe anxiety attack.
38. I am calling in sick because of a sudden severe depression.
39. I am calling in sick because of a critical blood disorder.
40. I am calling in sick because of a sudden cardiac arrest.
41. I am calling in sick because of a severe respiratory distress.
42. I am calling in sick because of a life-saving transplant.
43. I am calling in sick because of an emergency evacuation.
44. I am calling in sick because of a severe weather incident.
45. I am calling in sick because of a gas leak at home.
46. I am calling in sick because of a critical infectious disease exposure.
47. I am calling in sick because of an accident involving a family member.
48. I am calling in sick because of severe pregnancy complications.
49. I am calling in sick because of a severe diabetic episode.
50. I am calling in sick because of an immediate psychiatric evaluation.

Personal Reasons and Excuses to Call in Sick

An employer might offer his employees personal days. These are days that an employee can use throughout the year for any reason. They may be used, for example, to do necessary personal tasks or simply to rest at home.

1. I am calling in sick because I need a mental health day.
2. I am calling in sick because I have a severe headache.
3. I am calling in sick because I am experiencing severe back pain.
4. I am calling in sick because I have a stomach virus.
5. I am calling in sick because I am extremely fatigued.
6. I am calling in sick because I have a high fever.
7. I am calling in sick because I am dealing with food poisoning.
8. I am calling in sick because I have a bad cold.
9. I am calling in sick because I am suffering from dehydration.
10. I am calling in sick because I have menstrual cramps.
11. I am calling in sick because I have a toothache.
12. I am calling in sick because I have an eye infection.
13. I am calling in sick because I am experiencing anxiety.
14. I am calling in sick because I am stressed.
15. I am calling in sick because I have insomnia.
16. I am calling in sick because I have a skin rash.
17. I am calling in sick because I have an ear infection.
18. I am calling in sick because I am suffering from depression.
19. I am calling in sick because I have allergies.
20. I am calling in sick because I have a sunburn.
21. I am calling in sick because I need a personal day.
22. I am calling in sick because I have a family emergency.
23. I am calling in sick because I need to care for a sick child.
24. I am calling in sick because I need to care for an elderly family member.
25. I am calling in sick because I am moving houses.
26. I am calling in sick because I have a veterinary appointment for my pet.
27. I am calling in sick because I have a doctor’s appointment.
28. I am calling in sick because I have a dental appointment.
29. I am calling in sick because I am burned out.
30. I am calling in sick because I need a day for self-care.
31. I am calling in sick because I have a severe cough.
32. I am calling in sick because I have a migraine.
33. I am calling in sick because I have a personal crisis.
34. I am calling in sick because I am experiencing burnout.
35. I am calling in sick because I need to attend a funeral.
36. I am calling in sick because I have a contagious illness.
37. I am calling in sick because I need to recharge.
38. I am calling in sick because I am experiencing emotional distress.
39. I am calling in sick because I have a critical appointment.
40. I am calling in sick because I have a childcare issue.
41. I am calling in sick because I need to attend a parent-teacher conference.
42. I am calling in sick because I have a home repair emergency.
43. I am calling in sick because I have a legal matter to attend to.
44. I am calling in sick because I am dealing with a breakup.
45. I am calling in sick because I have a severe case of acne.
46. I am calling in sick because I need a day off for personal development.
47. I am calling in sick because I am overwhelmed.
48. I am calling in sick because I have a flat tire.
49. I am calling in sick because I am dealing with a loss.
50. I am calling in sick because I need to reset emotionally.

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