A class action lawsuit is an extremely efficient way to handle a complaint that affects other people. It will capture attention much more than a small lawsuit will, and the company and their lawyers will take it much more seriously. Also, unless you’re the lead plaintiff, you can take a very passive role in the class action lawsuit and just wait for the updates. Most class action lawsuits are handled on a contingency basis, so the California class action lawyer compensated a fee that is approved by the court. If they do not win, you do not have to pay the class action attorney. Therefore, a class action lawsuit is a much more efficient way to handle minor claims. The State of California published a study of California Class Action Litigation.
The California Department of Health Care Services’ (DHCS) Class Action Recovery Program seeks reimbursement for services that Medi-Cal paid for on behalf of its members who are involved in third party actions, such as product liability, vaccine/ medication-related injuries, and exposure to asbestos/ other environmental toxins.