The Consequences of Teacher-Student Dating
In the United States, many states have made teacher-student dating unlawful, along with teachers having any type of sexual contact with students. It is illegal, regardless of the student’s age. Yet, in some countries, a university level student of age can legally date or have sexual contact with professors.
Just because it is legal in some states, it does not mean that it is professional. Professors are in a position of some authority and power in these situations and the possibly of losing their positions due to conflict(s) of interest is high.
Some of universities have created their own guidelines when it comes to teacher-student relationships. For example, UCLA has a professional behavior policy that prohibit the “Use of the position or powers of a faculty member to coerce the judgment or conscience of a student or to cause harm to a student for arbitrary or personal reasons.”
Under Stanford University consensual sexual or romantic relationship guide, the school “prohibits certain relationships between teachers and students; and requires recusal (from supervision and evaluation) and notification in other relationships.”
The universities require their professors to let the university know of the relationship and for the students to let the university know that no advantage is being taken of. Even then, majority of the universities strongly advise their faculty against entering into relationships with students.